
Wander Woods

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Finding Peace

Stepping along a spiritual path begins with a decision.  Your feet take you where you’re decided to go, and each step gets you closer to what you’re searching for, whether it is an adventure or a goal you seek.  The effort is one that you feel is valuable, else why begin the journey?  Why do the work?

That is a good question.  Why begin something new?  Why make a decision to change?  We’re all so busy these days … perhaps choosing a different path will help bring clarity and balance into your life.  There are many paths to obtain peace and a great place to start is by not trying to achieve something.  Just being.  How to accomplish this?  Meditation, Mindfulness, Meaning.

Meditation can only be achieved by letting go of the usual thoughts and feelings, and mindfully being present in a place that has meaning for you.  Perhaps it’s in your backyard – the place you go to.  Bring along a refreshing drink, light some incense, play peaceful music and really set the mood.

Wherever it is, enjoin the space and observe something new. Really observe it.  The petals on a rose, the bark of a tree, the song of a bird can all take you to a meditative state and, once there, old thoughts will come and go … let them go.  Breathe deeply, and feel your lungs full.  Concentrate on your breathing for a moment, then let that go, too.  

The bird you were listening to has moved on but in be’tween the breathing in and the breathing out you find new focus.  Again, old thoughts will emerge.  Gratefully acknowledge them as a thought – just a thought – for thought is not for this time, this time is for you … and let them go.  Be at peace.

Gina Billings, www.dragonsincense.com, June 29, 2014

Copyright 2014.  All rights reserved.

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